Unexpected Blog Hiatus

Did expect my break to extend to months . Will be back with better pictures in November

Apr 30, 2012

Something Different?

Modified with Picassa 3

using dual tone options

Using neon and fade options

using heat and posterize options

Images were originally light from a hand torch focused on a wall in the dark.

- Zeroing In


  1. Nice photos for the tour. I looked at the most recent. I had fun photographing the letters.
    Thanks for following my blog.
    Play off the Page

  2. I really enjoyed your photos for the challenge!
    You are definitely artistic - in more ways than one!!

  3. Very surreal, look like something from the Hubble telescope. I looked at the images again and again. Good work.

  4. Really interesting. the original photo is a torch? I like the neon and faded effect. Perhaps because it reminds me of a nebula. :)

  5. Wonderful photographs that were created in such an unusual way! Julie

  6. Those are really cool photographs!

  7. Exemplary work.
    Like the effect.


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